
西方哲學一般以古希臘神話、抒情文、詩、戲劇作起點,由原始神祇崇拜發展出理性、民主、古科學… (高峰見于蘇格拉底、柏拉圖、亞里士多德),之後與希伯來人一神思想相遇,形成了影響至今的西方哲學、思想、價值、文化的兩大支柱。當基督教於四世紀成為羅馬國教,哲學為宗教服務,衍生出大量神學理論(包括今天基督信仰的大部分核心思想),直至啟蒙時期,理性及人文主義興起,伴隨殖民及資本主義啟動,科學及科技上場,神權旁落,在這背景下發展出現代哲學,代表人物是現代哲學之父法國的笛卡兒(理性主義)、英國的培根(經驗主義)及集二人大成之德國的康德(他的這個理論結合了英國經驗主義與歐陸的理性主義,對德國唯心主義與浪漫主義影響深遠)。兩戰前後,歐陸以德國哲學為主,與英美的分析哲學成兩大洪流…



  1. 省覽希臘幾個重要歷史階段;
  2. 省覽希臘哲學(《西洋哲學史》p.1-47)
  3. 選讀希臘文學,包括:荷馬史詩:(Iliad 及 Odyssey)、神話、戲劇;可用中文參考書、漫畫、YouTube ;
  4. 簡介康德以降之近代歐陸哲學(選與戲劇有關)
  5. 閲讀指定文章(Reading Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art: Selected Texts with Interactive Commentary),每人負責介紹其中一章


Reading Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art: Selected Texts with Interactive Commentary

1. Art, value, and philosophy

Introduction to the issues.
Introduction to Plato.
Plato, Republic, Book 10 (extract).

Commentary on Plato.
Introduction to Nietzsche.
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy (extracts).

Commentary on Nietzsche.

2. Aesthetics, art, and nature

Introduction to the issues.
Introduction to Carroll.
Noël Carroll, Art and Interaction.

Commentary on Carroll.
Introduction to Hepburn.
R.W. Hepburn, Contemporary Aesthetics and the Neglect of Natural Beauty.

Commentary on Hepburn.

3. Aesthetic judgements

Introduction to the issues.
Introduction to Hume.
David Hume, Of the Standard of Taste.

Commenatary on Hume.
Introduction to Kant.
Immanuel Kant, Critique of the Power of Judgment (extract).

Commentary on Kant.

4. Definitions of art

Introduction to the issues.
Introduction to Collingwood.
R.G. Collingwood, The Principles of Art (extracts).

Commentary on Collingwood.
Introduction to Dickie.
George Dickie, The Institutional Theory of Art.

Commentary on Dickie.

5. Authors and works

Introduction to the issues.
Introduction to Barthes.
Roland Barthes, The Death of the Author.

Commentary on Barthes.
Introduction to Danto.
Arthur C. Danto, The Transfiguration of the Commonplace (extracts).

Commentary on Danto.

6. Depiction in art

Introduction to the issues.
Introduction to Goodman.
Nelson Goodman, Languages of Art (extracts).

Commentary on Goodman.
Introduction to Wollheim.
Richard Wollheim, Painting as an Art (extract)

3 位回應
  1. Cat Lai 5th October 2018 at 5:38 pm

    Alan, Cat, Barbara, Bean, Frankie, Lucas, Maggie, Marco, Mic, Winki, Yen, 小梵, 小芳, 雀

  2. Fred 8th October 2018 at 11:45 am


  3. Cat Lai 8th October 2018 at 12:59 pm

    Alan, Cat, Barbara, Bean, Frankie, Lucas, Maggie, Marco, Mic, Winki, Yen, 小梵, 小芳, 雀, Fred, Isaac, Amanda, Bearty



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