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Dr. James is worried about Tristan and calls Toby in. She wants to discharge him. She then finds out he is not on Placebo, and she was also observed and tested.

A man in doorway. His shoulders heave with breathing. He shines with sweat. His light clothing seems to be spattered with stains of dark blood. it’s Toby. The stains are paint.


What happened?
托比 發生了什麼事?

Dr James
[0] 詹姆斯博士 [1] 抱歉。

What is it?
托比 這是什麼?

Dr James
I feel something’s very very wrong.
[0] 詹姆斯博士 [1] 我感覺有些事情非常非常不對勁。

… Okay.
托比 … 好的。

Dr James
I think we should exclude one of the volunteers from the trial. A boy, a guy, the man who’s on placebo in fact. He’s shown aggression and instability, now he’s not eating. In any other environment I’d be worried for his mental health.

They’ve been in a sealed ward for weeks now, anyone would get frustrated —
托比 他們已經在一個封閉的病房裡待了幾個星期,任何人都會感到沮喪——

Dr James
It may be linked to his relationship with the other volunteer.
詹姆斯博士 這可能與他與另一位志願者的關係有關。

In which case, there’s only one dosage left —
托比 在這種情況下,只剩下一劑了——

We have a duty of care to him at this stage.
托比 在這個階段,我們有責任照顧他。

Dr James
We can just discharge him today — !
Dr James 我們今天就可以讓他出院了 — !

That’s not appropriate.
托比 那不合適。

Dr James
I’m used to helping people, you know, not putting them in a situation which distresses them. I don’t think I can do this.
德瑞·詹姆斯 我習慣幫助人們,你知道的,而不是讓他們處於讓人痛苦的情況。我不認為我能做到這一點。

Yes you can.
托比 是的,你可以。

Dr James
Is it me? I’m terrified it’s me. Have I done something? The boy has stats off the chart and high risk symptoms but he’s clean. It doesn’t make any sense.
德瑞·詹姆斯 是我嗎?我很害怕是我。我做了什麼嗎?那個男孩的數據超出標準,並且有高風險症狀,但他是乾淨的。這一切都沒有意義。

Okay, Lorna. Calm down. This isn’t what you think. He is a test subject. His symptoms are relevant. And we need to monitor him as such.
托比 好吧,洛娜。冷靜下來。這不是你想的那樣。他是一個測試對象。他的症狀是相關的。我們需要以這樣的方式監測他。

Dr James
I give out the pills, Toby, I know he’s / (on placebo) —
德瑞·詹姆斯 我發藥,托比,我知道他是 / (在服用安慰劑)—

/ You don’t know what you’re giving out. They’re active agent just packaged differently. Deliberately. He’s on the drug. We’re testing practitioner bias, alongside.
托比 / 你不知道你在給出什麼。他們是活躍的代理,只是包裝得不同。故意的。他在吸毒。我們正在測試從業者的偏見,還有其他方面。

Dr James
You’re testing me?!
Dr James 你在考驗我嗎?!

It’s not un/ usual —
托比 這並不不/尋常 —

Dr James
You’re testing me!
[0] 詹姆斯博士 [1] 你在考驗我!

I know how you feel about all this and I still got you the position here, because I know you’re a / good doctor.
托比 我知道你對這一切的感受,我仍然為你爭取了這個職位,因為我知道你是一位好醫生。

Dr James
/ Oh god okay, I’m grateful.
Dr James / 哦天啊,好吧,我很感激。

All we’re doing is monitoring you for practitioner bias —
托比 我們所做的只是監控你是否有從業者偏見 —

Dr James
詹姆斯博士 胡說!

— in key areas, and I know you’re feeling exposed —
Toby — 在關鍵領域,我知道你感到暴露 —

Dr James
You lied.
喬治博士 你撒謊了。

— or confused and you know that’s an irrational response.
托比 — 或者困惑,而你知道這是一種不理性的反應。

Dr James
I thought I was losing it! That’s why you’re testing me isn’t it?
德瑞·詹姆斯 我以為我快失去理智了!這就是你在測試我,對吧?

So our volunteer is being medicated with powerful psychiatric drugs and I’m telling you they cause aggressive behaviour and paranoia, it’s dangerous to continue.

We don’t know that’s the drug! You just said, you said yourself it’s clearly about the relationship with this girl! I’m not closing down a whole trial because of a lovers’ tiff!
托比 我們不知道那是藥物!你剛才說過,你自己說這明顯是關於和這個女孩的關係!我不會因為情侶之間的小爭吵而終止整個試驗!

Dr James
You were happy to attribute it all to the drugs when you thought the effects were positive!
[0] 詹姆斯博士 [1] 當你認為效果是正面的時候,你很高興把這一切歸因於藥物!

And you’re only prepared to accept it’s the drug if the effects are negative!
托比 而你只有在效果是負面時才願意接受這是藥物!

Dr James
This can’t be pulled apart. We’re kidding ourselves to think it can.
Dr James 這無法被拆開。我們自欺欺人地認為它可以。

This is why we do trials! We’re here to record side effects and if aggression is a side effect, we’ll note it.
Toby 這就是我們為什麼要進行試驗!我們在這裡記錄副作用,如果攻擊性是副作用之一,我們會記下來。

Dr James
They’re not side effects, Toby, they’re just effects you can’t sell.
德瑞·詹姆斯 這不是副作用,托比,這只是你無法銷售的效果。

God you make the air taste bitter, Lorna.
托比 天啊,你讓空氣變得苦澀,洛娜。

Dr James
I wouldn’t mind being (monitored) — if I thought you took any … of your own fucking agenda and … If you took any responsibility for that …
詹姆斯博士 我不介意被(監控)——如果我認為你有任何……你自己的該死的議程和……如果你對此負有任何責任……

I don’t know what you mean. I’m doing my job.
托比 我不知道你是什麼意思。我在做我的工作。

Dr James
I’ve seen you hold that brain and fleece them for money. But somehow I’m the one that’s biased —(!)
德瑞·詹姆斯 我看到你拿著那顆大腦,並為了錢而剝削他們。但不知怎的,我卻成了那個有偏見的人 —(!)

You sound it, you sound paranoid, listen to yourself. You’ve spent this whole time refusing to accept that the drugs have any effect, until you think there’s something damaging!
托比 你聽起來很偏執,聽聽你自己。你這段時間一直拒絕接受藥物有任何影響,直到你認為有什麼有害的東西!

Dr James
While you just claim positive effect whatever, or just publish trials with the results you like! But apparently you’re unbiased and I’m … What?
德瑞·詹姆斯 雖然你只是聲稱無論如何都有正面效果,或者只是發表你喜歡的結果的試驗!但顯然你是公正的,而我……什麼?

You are a good doctor, who suffers from profound depressive episodes which she refuses to medicate. And you’re desperate for any evidence that supports that position.
托比 你是一位好醫生,但卻遭受深度抑鬱發作,而她拒絕用藥治療。你渴望任何支持這一立場的證據。


Dr James
(They don’t work.)
詹姆斯博士 (它們不工作。)

托比 抱歉?

Dr James
They don’t.
喬治博士 他們不會。

How would you know?
托比 你怎麼會知道?

Dr James
There’s no real evidence for the efficacy of anti-depressants, there never has been. Everyone who knows, knows this has been the biggest disaster in the history of medicine!
詹姆斯博士 抗憂鬱藥的療效並沒有真正的證據,從來就沒有。所有知道的人都知道,這是醫學史上最大的災難!

Nonsense. Fifty to sixty per cent of people improve on anti-depressants.
托比 胡說。五十到六十個百分比的人在抗抑鬱藥物上有所改善。

Dr James
In the short term!
[0] 詹姆斯博士 [1] 短期內!

If you’re going to kill yourself tomorrow, what do you care if it’s short-term or not?
托比 如果你明天要自殺,那麼你在乎這是短期的還是長期的嗎?

Dr James
We’re only just finding out what happens in the long term! People stay on them for life not because they’re ill but because the withdrawal is terrible!
Dr James 我們才剛開始了解長期使用的後果!人們之所以終身服用這些藥物,不是因為他們生病,而是因為戒斷反應非常可怕!

Don’t hide behind this fashionable trashing of it all. Every time you have an episode, every time, the brain is altered and makes the next one longer and deeper. The sooner you start to medicate, the more you protect yourself. You could have done that —

Dr James
Without even knowing what causes it?
德瑞·詹姆斯 連原因都不知道嗎?

We know what causes it, mostly.
托比 我們知道大部分的原因。

Dr James
No you don’t! You ask anyone on the street what causes depression they’ll say chemical imbalance, despite total lack of evidence. Even GPs will. Because you spend more on marketing than research.

Of course we spend money on marketing, we sell things! You sound like a teenager on a website.
托比 當然我們在行銷上花錢,我們賣東西!你聽起來像個在網站上的青少年。

Dr James
You know now we’re treating the bereaved and children and people in bad relationships —
Dr James 你知道現在我們正在治療喪失親人的人、兒童和處於不良關係中的人——

Who are you to say who is and isn’t ill there? A bereavement can be ruinous to someone prone to depressive episodes, you should know.
托比 你有什麼資格說那裡誰是病人誰不是?喪失親人對於容易出現抑鬱發作的人來說可能是毀滅性的,你應該知道。

Dr James
But it’s mostly a placebo effect!
詹姆斯博士 但這主要是安慰劑效應!

There’s no such thing as placebo effect when it comes to depression, if it works it works!
托比 在抑鬱症方面,沒有所謂的安慰劑效應,如果有效就有效!

Dr James
Thank you! So it’s just easier for us to think of ourselves as ill and easier for you to sell your pills, so everyone’s happy but no one’s actually happy.

In ten years we’ll have a blood test for depression. We’ll have a biomarker and a cure.
托比 在十年內,我們將有一種檢測抑鬱症的血液測試。我們將擁有生物標記和治療方法。

Dr James
You’ll never have your biomarker. It isn’t like that.
Dr James 你永遠不會有你的生物標記。事情不是這樣的。

This is why I get annoyed, Lorna. You cling to the mystery. You celebrate it, almost.
托比 這就是為什麼我感到惱火,洛娜。你緊緊抓住這個謎團。你幾乎在慶祝它。

Dr James
I do what?!
Dr James 我做什麼?!

You don’t want it to be curable, you want to make it grand and tragic, it doesn’t have to be.
托比 你不想讓它可治癒,你想讓它變得宏偉而悲劇,這並不一定。

Dr James
You think I like it! You think I like being terrified of getting in the shower? Bones feeling like they’re dissolving and throwing up every morning?
德瑞·詹姆斯 你以為我喜歡這樣嗎!你以為我喜歡害怕進入淋浴間嗎?骨頭感覺像在溶解,每天早上都想嘔吐?

It helps most people.
托比 它幫助大多數人。

Dr James
Say I’m mad if you like. But don’t say I’ve got a disease. I don’t believe you.
喬治·詹姆斯博士 如果你想的話,可以說我瘋了。但不要說我得了病。我不相信你。

Call it what you like, just don’t let it define you.
托比 隨便你怎麼稱呼它,只要別讓它定義你。

Dr James
It’s not an it, we’re talking about me. You want to cut a part of me out and call yourself a hero.
喬治博士 這不是一個物件,我們在談論的是我。你想切掉我身上的一部分,然後自稱是英雄。

All I’ve ever wanted is to help you.
托比 我所想要的就是幫助你。

Dr James
I don’t want your help!
[0] 詹姆斯博士 [1] 我不需要你的幫助!

I know and it’s infuriating!
托比 我知道,這讓人非常惱火!


Dr James
I’m not even sure you really believe all that. I swear Toby we’re going to look back at all this chemical imbalance shit like it’s the four humours all over again. I mean, why am I here?
德瑞·詹姆斯 我甚至不確定你真的相信這一切。我發誓,托比,我們將來會回顧這些化學失衡的事,就像再次回到四種體液的時代。我是說,我為什麼在這裡?

What, here?
托比 什麼,這裡?

Dr James
Yes. Why would you offer me work? This isn’t what I do. I sit with people, I talk to them, I —
德瑞·詹姆斯 是的。你為什麼要給我工作?這不是我做的事。我和人坐在一起,跟他們談話,我——

I want to help.
托比 我想要幫助。

Dr James
Yeah but why? You see, I wonder if you feel guilty.
德瑞·詹姆斯 是啊,但為什麼?你看,我在想你是否感到內疚。

About you?
托比 關於你?

Dr James
[0] 詹姆斯博士 [1] 是的。


I don’t think I caused your depression, by ending things, Lorna. I don’t think I contributed even. But maybe, maybe I Think I ended it because of your depression.
托比 我不認為我因為結束這段關係而造成了你的抑鬱,洛娜。我甚至不認為我有任何貢獻。但也許,也許我認為我因為你的抑鬱而結束了這段關係。

Dr James
詹姆斯博士 對。

And maybe that’s worse.
托比 也許那更糟。

Dr James
No. Just sad.
And are you happy now?
翻譯文本:詹姆斯博士 不。只是難過。 那你現在快樂嗎?

Well not right now, but yes.
托比 嗯,現在不是,但沒錯。

Dr James
And how old is she, this new one?
詹姆斯博士 所以。 那麼,她這個新來的幾歲?

What does that have to do with anything?
托比 這和任何事情有什麼關係?

Dr James
Just wondering. Twenty-eight? Twenty-nine? You’re so keen to make me a prisoner of my insides. What about you? Her clear skin to indicate lack of disease? Waist not yet travelled up to her tits?

You’re ill, Lorn. Please.
托比 你生病了,洛恩。拜託。

Dr James
I’m not though.
Dr James 我不是。

My choices, or biology, or whatever, don’t cause me suffering.
托比 我的選擇,或生物學,或其他,並不讓我受苦。

Dr James
No, only others. So you’ll be fine. You’ll do fine.
德瑞·詹姆斯 不,只有其他人。所以你會沒事的。你會做得很好。


Are you going to finish this? One more dosage? I want you to administer the trial. I think you can do it. Then we can talk about the future.
托比 你要完成這個嗎?再一劑?我希望你能進行這次試驗。我相信你可以做到。然後我們可以談談未來。

Dr James
詹姆斯博士 (好。)

Have you got something I can wear? Over this.
托比 你有我可以穿的東西嗎?在這個上面。

Dr James
You’re joking.
[0] 詹姆斯博士 [1] 你在開玩笑。

托比 什麼?

She tears off her white coat and throws it at him.

I didn’t —
托比 我沒有——

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About the Author : Cat Lai



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