Can I just say one thing? I look at you, Danny, I look at you and I want, not
to be like you, not to be you, but yes, in some way actually to be you, to actually be in some way a fucking
part of you, but I want it to be me, I want you to be me. And if you and Hels weren’t, I would still, and I
look at you and I say ‘Yeah, he’s had all the breaks, so what? He’s got a family, so what, he knows what he’s
doing, so what? He’s got a good job and mates that he gets on with and a beautiful girlfriend, he’s clever
and he’s had all the advantages in life and that may well be why he has all those things while another human
being, a different human being gets to have shit thrown at them for years and then to top it all becomes a
shit human being in the process, so what: he fucking deserves everything.’ You deserve everything. And I say
good luck to you because you are everything that man in this 21st century should be.
And I stand here, in your shirt, in your dirty fucking old T-shirt that you pulled out of the wash to
give me and I feel privileged to wear it. I feel privileged to stand in your stale sweat. And I see someone
like you and I can’t help thinking that you should never have experienced this, that your blissful ignorance
should be protected above all else, that I should lay down my life to keep you in that state, but part of me,
Danny, and this is the part I hate, this is the bad part, the dirty part, the part that I’d like to cut out
with a knife, part of me, and I’m not saying I like that part, I’m saying I hate that part, but part of me
thinks you should be dragged down off that fucking pedestal and be forced face down into the mud so you can
eat the same shit and rotting flesh I’ve been eating, so that it gets in your mouth and up your nose and that
you choke on it. And I saw you tonight, Danny. I saw you…”
We’re abandoned. There’s nothing out there. It’s like they’ve all been beamed up to another planet and
just left us with the monsters.