賞劇 - 羅生門

埋藏真我 摧毀真相


《羅生門》改編自芥川龍之介的兩篇短篇小說《羅生門》及《竹林中》。美國編劇Fay Kanin及Michael Kanin於1959年改編成舞台劇版本,曾於百老匯上演,更獲提名東尼獎三大獎項。導演黃龍斌將利用形體語言刻劃角色的內心角力,利用舞台美學、人體剪影及鼓樂呈現人心的軟弱。


原著 芥川龍之介
改編 Fay Kanin and Michael Kanin
翻譯 張可堅
導演 黃龍斌*





30, 31/3 & 4-7/4/2018 8pm
31/3 & 1^, 7, 8/4/2018 3pm

$280, $180 Drama Lab 友5月20日前報名七折,之後八折

粵語演出 In Cantonese


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About the Author : Cat Lai

15 位回應
  1. Alantang 18th May 2017 at 3:01 pm

    Alan 8/4, 3pm, $280 (大家留意演期乃復活節長假, 會否撞自己外遊)

  2. Cat Lai 19th May 2017 at 1:52 am

    Alan 8/4, 3pm, $280 (大家留意演期乃復活節長假, 會否撞自己外遊)
    cat 8/4, 3pm, $280

  3. funertz 20th May 2017 at 12:57 am

    Frankie 8/4, 3pm, $280

  4. funertz 20th May 2017 at 12:58 am

    Alan 8/4, 3pm, $280 (大家留意演期乃復活節長假, 會否撞自己外遊)
    cat 8/4, 3pm, $280
    Frankie 8/4, 3pm, $280

  5. Angie 20th May 2017 at 2:07 am

    Alan 8/4, 3pm, $280 (大家留意演期乃復活節長假, 會否撞自己外遊)
    cat 8/4, 3pm, $280
    Frankie 8/4, 3pm, $280
    Angie 8/4, 3pm, $280

  6. Ernie 20th May 2017 at 10:15 am

    Alan 8/4, 3pm, $280 (大家留意演期乃復活節長假, 會否撞自己外遊)
    cat 8/4, 3pm, $280
    Frankie 8/4, 3pm, $280
    Angie 8/4, 3pm, $280
    Ernie 8/4, 3pm, $280 (student)
    Brian 8/4, 3pm, $280 (student)

  7. Winki 20th May 2017 at 10:48 am

    *大家留意演期乃復活節長假, 會否撞自己外遊

    8/4 Sun, 3pm, $280 Alan, Cat, Frankie, Angie, Winki

  8. marco 20th May 2017 at 11:27 am

    *大家留意演期乃復活節長假, 會否撞自己外遊

    8/4 Sun, 3pm
    $280 Alan, Cat, Frankie, Angie, Winki, marco, tammy
    $280(student) Ernie, Brian

  9. Alantang 22nd May 2017 at 6:44 pm

    8/4 Sun, 3pm
    $280 Alan, Iris, Cat, Frankie, Angie, Winki, marco, tammy
    $280(student) Ernie, Brian, Serene

  10. 教主 22nd May 2017 at 11:30 pm

    8/4 Sun, 3pm
    $280 Alan, Iris, Cat, Frankie, Angie, Winki, marco, tammy, Maggie
    $280(student) Ernie, Brian, Serene

  11. Paul Li 29th August 2017 at 6:22 pm

    8/4 Sun, 3pm
    $280 Alan, Iris, Cat, Frankie, Angie, Winki, marco, tammy, Maggie, Paul x2
    $280(student) Ernie, Brian, Serene

  12. Agnes 5th February 2018 at 1:44 pm

    8/4 Sun, 3pm
    $280 Alan, Iris, Cat, Frankie, Angie, Winki, marco, tammy, Maggie, Paul x2
    $280(student) Ernie, Brian, Serene

    7/4 Sat, 3pm
    $280×3 Agnes,

  13. Cat Lai 5th February 2018 at 1:57 pm

    7/4 Sat, 3pm
    $280 Angie Sin

    8/4 Sun, 3pm
    $280 Alan, Iris, Cat, Frankie, Winki, marco, tammy, Maggie, Paul x2
    $280(student) Ernie, Brian, Serene

    7/4 Sat, 3pm
    $280×3 Agnes,

  14. Amanda 20th February 2018 at 11:11 am

    30/3 Fri , 8pm $280 Amanda Kwong

    7/4 Sat, 3pm
    $280 Angie Sin

    8/4 Sun, 3pm
    $280 Alan, Iris, Cat, Frankie, Winki, marco, tammy, Maggie, Paul x2
    $280(student) Ernie, Brian, Serene

    7/4 Sat, 3pm
    $280×3 Agnes,

  15. Cat Lai 26th February 2018 at 1:04 pm

    30/3 Fri , 8pm
    $280 Amanda Kwong

    7/4 Sat, 3pm
    $280 Angie Sin

    8/4 Sun, 3pm
    $280 Alan, Iris, Cat, Frankie, Winki, marco, tammy, Maggie
    $280(student) Ernie, Brian(放飛), Serene

    8/4 Sun, 3pm
    Paul x2
